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Apercu: Free Alternatives & Similar Fonts

If you’re looking for free alternatives to Apercu, here are 2 of the highest-quality look-alikes and similar fonts.

  1. HK Grotesk (best overall)
  2. Satoshi (new and underused)

For each, I’ll mention the advantages, disadvantages, and why you might choose it. Ready? Let’s get started.

You’re reading Free Font Alternatives: The Ultimate Guide. Quickly navigate to other fonts: Intro · Apercu · Avenir · Circular · DIN · Futura · Gotham · Helvetica · Proxima Nova · Times New Roman

1. HK Grotesk

The free HK Grotesk is the best overall free alternative to Apercu.

HK Grotesk vs. Apercu font comparison

While not as narrow as Apercu, HK Grotesk includes many of the same quirky features that make Apercu awesome – like the loveable “g” and the sliced off “t”. By using HK Grotesk’s alternate “g” character, you can get even closer. Here’s how to use alternate character styles in Figma and CSS.

What it’s got: 7 weights + 5 italic weights

Get it at: HK Grotesk at Font Squirrel

2. Satoshi

The free Satoshi is another good, though italics-less, similar font to Apercu.

Satoshi vs. Apercu font comparison

Satoshi has more closed counters (the gaps in “a”, “c”, and “e”), like Apercu, and the same quirky grotesk feel. But since since it (currently) lacks italics, it’s not as great of a replacement. Still useful for usage as an accent font though!

What it’s got: 5 weights, no italics

Get it at: Satoshi at Fontshare

Other Apercu Alternatives

If you’re looking to branch out from Apercu, it’s worth checking out some of the other alternatives in this guide. For instance, the Futura alternatives also work in many places Apercu would’ve, and the Circular alternatives are similar, but lean more fun and friendly than quirky and loveably awkward.

You’re reading Free Font Alternatives: The Ultimate Guide. Quickly navigate to other fonts: Intro · Apercu · Avenir · Circular · DIN · Futura · Gotham · Helvetica · Proxima Nova · Times New Roman

One Final Note 😎

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